To whoever the anonymous GDS>>>First ask your adventurist GS to come to terms with reality and not to take NUGDS for granted.If he was sincere enough to find solutions to the problems of GDS,he should have consulted the NUGDS for a joint struggle.But he wanted to test his strength and wanted to put his own federation in tight corner at the cost of GDS' interests.Time will tell who the real cheaters of GDS.By going on an indefinite strike without organising for a concerted action of the entire Postal fraternity he has exposed the weakness in ourselves and indirectly supports the designs of the Dept.
The NUPE Group-C was formed by Late Sri K.Ramamurti in 1968 then D.Kishan Rao was the General Secretary and now Vasireddy Sivaji is the present General Secretary
ourselves and indirectly supports the designs of the Dept.