Sri. D. Kishan Rao, G.S., NUPE-C is addressing the delegates session of NUPE-C in the 20th Circle Confernece held at Chitradurga from 10th to 12th January 2009. Sitting with him are Sarvashri.(L to R) P.S.Babu, R.Mohan, Circle President, B.Shivakumar, C.S., NUPE-C, Ramadoss, ACS. NUPE-C and P. Suresh, ACS, NUPE-C
The Open session of the 20th Joint Circle Conference held at Chitradurga from 10th to 12th January 2009. Sri.D.Theagarajan, SG, FNPO is sitting (Left) with Swamiji and Sri.D. Kishan Rao, G.S., NUPE-C is sitting right to Swamiji.