As per the call given by the JCA a massive dharna was held in front of Dak Bhavan on 3-07-09.
Thousand of workers belonging to FNPO and NFPE participated in the programme. After so many years the Postal workers of Delhi participated enmass in the programme. The Dharna highlighted the outburst and frustration of Postal workers on thier frustration about the shortage of staff and consequent harrassnment in the name of Project Arrow which the officers at the lower level also compelled to adopt.
thousands of workers thronged in to the premises of Dak Bhavan with resounding slogans and the
dharna was a great success. More news and pictures of the Dharna put up in the new website.The GenaeralSecretary Participated in the Demonstration and addressed the large gathering.On behalf of FNPO S/S T.N.Rahate ,GS NUPE PM &
group D also addressed the meeting.