The Department of Posts is in talks with the State Bank of India (SBI) and ICICI Bank for use of its vast post office infrastructure for rural banking.
"In rural areas, we wanted to sell gold coins as banking outlests. We are in talks with ICICI Bank if they want to avail our infrastrucuture for the expansion of their busines," IT & Communication Minister A.Raja said in the Rajya Sabha on 27.7.09 while replying to questions regarding the working of his ministry. For the loss-making rural post offices, this would generate revenue. He said the department of posts can also start savings bank acounts on behalf of SBI.
However, he made it clear that this would not mean privatisation of the services.
"We are not going to privatise the postal services. We want to see how the infrastructure of the postal department in every nook and corner of the country can be put to maximum value," he said.
The minister said desptite the Rs.1,000-crore annual loss, the expansion plan of the postal department is on target.
During the 11th Fiv e Year Plan, 3,000 Post Offices would be constructed.