Today a little time ago one news appeared in our website seeking money in the name of the General Secretary, NAPE Group C. This is totally farce and the General Secretary is in India only and not gone abroad anywhere.
The CHQ is taking further action in the matter.
Some time before I have received a message that our GS was in trouble while he was in foreign tour the meaasge reads like...."It has been a sad moment for me, I just cant explain the present condition I find myself.I was robbed on my way back to the hotel where I'm staying and most of my things were made away with. The little bag where my money, passport, documents and other valuable things were kept all gone...." etc. Suddenly I opened the union website and now I came to know that it is a mischievous work done by somebody else. Thank GOD. I am really happy to visit the website and thanks the GS for his quick announcement through the website.
R C Das,Berhampur (Ganjam)Orissa