No. 2 - 9/ 2009-SPG Government of India Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 116 Dated 28 August ' 09 ORDER Sub: - Cadre management of Group 'B' Accounts cadre of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications. The President is pleased to order amalgamation of Group "B" Accounts cadre consisting of Junior Accounts Officers (Non Gazetted Group 'B') / Assistant Accounts Officers (merged as a result of implementation of VIth Pay Commission's recommendations), Accounts Officers and Senior Accounts Officers of both the Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology with effect from 01.09.2009. 2. The powers of the appointing authority and cadre controlling authority of the amalgamated Group 'B' Accounts cadres shall vest with Secretary, Department of Posts. 3. The modalities and other service conditions such as fixing seniority, training needs, transfer policy. etc., would be worked out in due course and orders issued thereafter. Till such time, all the existing arrangements such as ad hoc promotions, depurations, training etc. will be governed by the existing rules and instructions, sd/- (SALIM HAQUE) DY. DIRECTOR GENERAL (PERSONNEL) |
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