Sri. M. Senthilrajan, FNPO, P3, Madurai Division had made comments regarding the abnormal delay in filling up of the above posts. He is requested to furnish the full details regarding the existing vacancies unfilled in the above cadres to the CHQ immediately to enable to take up the issue with the Postal Directorate.
R.Duraiswamy and V.Venkataraman
I partly agree with the second comment that some officials might have been affected in fixation of their seniority position in the Circle Gradation List when LSG became Circle cadre. But drawing up the CGL as per merit is proper and according to rules. B'coz FTP exam is a competitive exam like IP and Gr.B exams. If seniority of officials who have passed a merit exam is to be fixed as per date of joining, only officials at HQrs who can join first will be benefited. Indeed in 2004, many officials working at outskirts and many Sorting Assistants were not relieved in time by their Divisional heads and Supervisors due to staff shortage.
The original seniority list released was very very vague. The list was named as 'Seniority list of LSG PAs in TN Circle'. Even the Divisional seniority position of many officials had been jumbled. There was no mention in the Remarks column. Even the date of joining had been wrongly noted in many cases. When it was objected by us and corrected list demanded, the present DG Madam and the then Pr.Chief PMG Ms.Radhika Doraiswami IPS honestly released the corrected list within 5 days as per the merit position of officials.
Now I hope the HSG-II promotion list will be released soon since we have taken up the matter with the good offices of right persons who treat FTPs and others on par without any difference.
- M. Senthil Rajan