The Tamil Nadu Circle Vice President, NAPE Gr.C and Regional Secretary Western Region Shri.C.Kumaran and Shri. V.Mohan, Divisional Secretary, NAPE Group 'C', Coimbatore Division met Secretary (Posts) Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy on 24.10.09 at Coimbatore and submitted the following subjects. The Secretary said that she will look into the problems and assured to do the needful in the matter.
1. Construction of a Community Hall in the department owned site at Sanganur- Koundampalayam, Coimbatore. There are acres of land owned by the department lying idle during the last 20 years at Sanganur near Koundampalayam. Therefore, my Union requests that a community hall may be constructed in the site for the welfare of staff. A city like Coimbatore where rent for the community hall is very high and not affordable to the working class. Hence, it will be very useful for the staff if community hall is constructed at early at the above site.
2. Division-wise Technology cell may be constituted among academic computer qualified officials to ensure minimum maintenace of computrers in all computerized Post Offices. They may be equipped with all type of training including refilling of ribbon/cartridge and blow air cleaning of computrer equipments in all officers periodically instead of AMC.
3. Mileage allowance may be granted to the System Administrators to the actual distance travelled by them for the purpose instead of fixing 200 Kms per month. In big cities where more computerized offices are attended by them needs to travel more than the prescribed limit.
4. Fast Track Promotion : Govt. has issued orders to fill up all LSG, HSG II and HSG I posts immediately on ad-hoc basis. In almost all other Circles all FTP officials are working in HSG II and HSG I posts whereas in Tamil Nadu Circle nearly 100 officials are waiting for HSG II postings although there are sufficient number of vacancies kept unfilled.
Kudos to Shri C. Kumaran and Shri V. Mohan of Coimbatore who made use of the opportunity to take up vital issues with the DG. It is a sorrowful state of affairs that HSG-II promotion is being prolonged for the third consecutive year in TN Circle without any valid reasons. The basic requirements of a promotion are vacancies and eligible candidates. As on date there are 35 clear regular vacancies in General line posts alone (ie., after excluding the so called 49 HSG-II APM (Accts) posts) and more than 150 LSG officials are serving for the 6th year in LSG cadre.
If the essence of DG's letter dated 1-5-09 regarding adhoc promotions is to be rightly followed, all these 35 HSG-II vacancies can immediately be filled up. Then these 35 HSG-II officials can be given HSG-I adhoc promotion as ordered by DG on 1-5-09.
Already 51 regular HSG-II officials of TN Circle have been granted HSG-I adhoc promotion and resultantly there are 51 adhoc vacancies in HSG-II cadre. So taking altogether, adhoc HSG-II promotion to 86 officials and regular HSG-II promotion to 35 officials can be given immediately.By this like all other Circles, most of the Supervisory posts will stand filled up in TN Circle too.Though it is a crystal clear picture the matter is being dragged on like a mega serial putting a mass of Supervisors in anxiety for years together. Hope atleast CHQ will solve the problem early by clearing administrative laxities.
- M. Senthil Rajan, FNPO P3 Madurai Dn, TN.