The Dy. Director General (Estt.)
Department of Posts,
New Delhi 110 001
Ref: - Your letter No. EST/GDS/RSNM/Committee/08 dt. 16.10.09
In Para 2 of Annexure V of the above referred order it is stated that the respective Authorities shall fix the TRCA of all the GDS working under their jurisdiction with reference to their existing work load, Basic TRCA drawn as on 1-1-2006 and send the names of GDS with statement of fixation of TRCA as on 1-1-2006 as per given formula and also intimate the annual increases up to the date of issue of orders to the DDOs.
In this letter no orders were issued for fixation of the TRCA of those GDS officials who’s TRCA was revised after 1-1-2006. Some divisional heads interpreting the work “existing work load” as, work load as on date of revision i.e. after 1-1-2006 and fixing the new TRCA in the new slabs as per the work load, whether it may be 3rd, 4th or 5th. Some divisional heads are interpreting the same work, as work load as on 1-1-2006 and fixing the TRCA as per the TRCA drawn as on 1-1-2006 and allowing three increments and no refixation is being done on the date of revision in pre revised scale. If the intension of the Dept. is to fix TRCA as per the TRCA drawn as on 1-1-2006, there is no need to add the words existing work load.
There must be specific orders, on how to fix the TRCA of those GDS officials whose TRCA was revised after 1-1-2006.
In para 2.1 it was stated as, the TRCA to GDS engaged on or after 1-1-2006 shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised TRCA slab from the date of their engagements. In para 3 it was stated as “the fixation will be done at the minimum of the New TRCA slab applicable as on their date of engagement. What is meant by slab applicable? Whether it is as per the work load of that post? If it is so, if the work load of a B.O.s is 125 points whether a new recruitee can be given minimum TRCA of the 5th Scale?
Orders without any ambiguity may be got issued.
Some BPMs are already stagnating in 1st TRCA. This is happening because some GDS SVs in pre revised 2nd scale were redeployed as BPMs with pay protection. After new fixation they are now at stagnation stage.
Till date the work load of the GDS is being calculated on the existing norms only. Many GDS BPMs TRCA is revised from 1st to 2nd TRCA after 1-1-2006 as the work load of NREGS is taking into calculation. As till date no norms are revised, all the GDS officials TRCA should be fixed based on the existing work load and there should not be any ceiling on pay slabs. Fixing of ceiling 3rd scale to BPMs is quite injustice.
If at all the Dept. implements new norms, the date of effect should be prospectively and not retrospective from 1-1-2006.
Yours Sincerely,