DG Post No.
1-02/2011-PAP dated 28th/31 Aug, 2012
Office memorandum
Subject: Recommendation of the
Santosh Gauriar Committee on Special Allowances, Acceptance of regarding.
Committee on special Allowances, headed by Shri Santosh Gauriar, the then Chief
Postmaster General of Madhya Pradesh Circle, had made recommendations inter
alia for:-
(I) Grant of Special Allowance to unqualified officials posted
against the posts of PO & RMS Accountants, on their financial upgradation,
under MACP.
(II) Grant of Special Allowance to the PO & RMS Accountants, on
their financial upgradation under MACP Scheme, and
(III) Grant of Treasures Allowance/ cash handling allowance to the
official, on their financial
upgradations under MACP Scheme.
2. These recommendations have been under consideration of the
Govt. for quite some time. It has now been decided in consultation with the
Department of Personnel and Training, to accept these recommendation with
immediate effect as under;
(1) The unqualified officials, posted
against the post of PO & RMS Accountants shall be entitled to necessary
Special Allowance on their financial upgradation under MACP Scheme The Special
Allowance shall however, be discontinued on their functional promotion.
(2) The PO & RMS Accountants shall be
entitled to necessary Special Allowance on their financial upgradation under
MACP Scheme. The Special Allowance shall however, be discontinued on their
functional promotion.
(3) The officials posted against the post of
Treasurers shall be entitled to necessary Special / Cash Handling Allowance on
their financial upgradation under MACP Scheme. The same shall, however, be
discontinued on their financial promotion.
(4) All the head of Circles are requested to
bring these orders to the notice of all concerned for implementation with
immediate effect.
(5) These orders issued with the concurrence
of the integrated financial wing vide their diary No. 213/FA/12/Cs dated 28th March, 2012.
(Alok Saxena)
Deputy Director General (Est.)