DG Post No. 6-5/2009-Bldg dated 27-08-2012
Sub: Revision of tariff for occupation of Inspection Quarters
/ Inspection Rooms in the Department of Posts.
I am directed to refer to this office letter No.
6-2/2004-Bldg dated 4.8.2005 on the subject mentioned above.
2. The question
of revision of tariff for occupation of Inspection Quarters/Inspection Rooms
under the Department of Posts has been under consideration for some time. It
has now been decided by the competent authority that the rates of tariff for occupation
of Inspection Quarters/Inspection Rooms may be further rationalized as follows:
(a) Inspection Quarters / Inspection Rooms
(i) For officers of the Department of Posts
while on duty/leave, retired Officers of Department of Posts, other Government
/ PSU Officers on official visit and others for period up to 10 days;
Sl No.
Category of visitor in Inspection Quarter/Inspection Rooms
Rent per day
(More than six hours)
X class cities
Y & Z
class cities
Officer of Department of Posts on official visit
Rs 25
Rs 25
Officers and dependent family members of Department of
posts on personal visit
Rs 100
Rs 50
Retired Officers of Department of Posts
Rs 100
Rs 50
Other Government /PSU Officers on official visit and
Rs 250
Rs 150
These rates include the charges for electricity and
(ii) The charges for the use of:-
conditioners :- Rs 20/- per day
or a part thereof.
heaters :- Rs 10/- per day or a part
(b) Rates for officers for stay in
Inspection Quarters / Inspection Rooms for
periods exceeding 10 days:-
(i) For period exceeding 10- days and up to
60 days:- Same as in para
2(a) above
(With permission of the Controlling Authority i.e. Head
of the Circle).
(ii) For period beyond 60 days:- 10% of Basic
pay (including special
pay) (With
permission of the DG, Posts).
3. The revised
rates indicated above will take place with immediate effect.
4. This may
kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned for information, guidance and necessary
action. Copy of Hindi version is also enclosed.
5. This issues
with the concurrence of integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.
201/FA/12/CsS dated 09-08-2012.
(Prabhudas Xalxo)
Asstt. Director General (Bldg)