Outcome of the meeting with Chairman Postal Board & Member (P) on 19/10/2016 from the staff side President FNPO, SG FNPO, President NFPE &S.G NFPE participated.
1) GDS Bonus latest position: Minister of Communications& IT sent request a letter to Minster of Finance to enhance the Bonus ceiling to GDS on par with regular employees’ yester day.(19/10/2016)
2) Allowances: Chairman Postal Board agreed to retain existing allowance to Department employees with enhanced rates.
3) Cadre restructuring for RMS/Circle office& SBCO Staff: Minister of Communications& IT raised some objections. Chairman Postal Board assured to the staff side that he will meet Minster personally and clarify the doubts.
4)Secretary, NC JCM writes to Secretary DoE for grant of D A w.e.f. 01.07.2016
5)NC JCM writes to Secretary, DoE for raising the bonus ceiling for casual workers to Rs.7000/
6) Office Memorandum for Duties of Secretary (Posts), Director General Postal Services and Additional Director General(Co-ordination) in the Department of PostsClick Here to See The Details.
5)NC JCM writes to Secretary, DoE for raising the bonus ceiling for casual workers to Rs.7000/
6) Office Memorandum for Duties of Secretary (Posts), Director General Postal Services and Additional Director General(Co-ordination) in the Department of PostsClick Here to See The Details.