(Central Head Quarters)
No. 17-2-17, P&T Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New
No.APC/BD Targets/1-2/2018
Sri A.N.Nanda,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi-1
Unbearable harassment of staff in the name of achieving BD/New Accounts/
PLI/RPLI Premia collections in blatant violation of Directorate instructions/Orders- reg.
My union constrained to bring
the following facts on the above subject for favour of your kind consideration
and causing redressal of the issue.
It is a naked fact that many
Divisional Heads in AP Circle are harrassing the GDS and departmental staff in
their respective jurisdictions for meeting the
“Impractical Targets” fixed without taking into account the ground realities with regard to opening of new accounts with a
new concept of ‘Net Accounts and procurement of PLI/RPLI Premia Collections.
In order to achieve such huge &
impractical targets, the Divl and Sub
Divl. Heads are folowing highly irregular practices in total and blatant
violation of Directorate instructions/guidelines got issued from time to
time. Circle Unions observed the
following violations which are reuired to be taken serious
note of it:
According to Rule 3A(i) of
the GDS (Conduct &
Engagement) Rules, 2011, a GDS shall not
be required to perform duty beyond a
maximum pereiod of 5 hrs a day and as
per the Rule 3A(iii) ibid, a Sevak is
required t give an undertaking to the
effect that he has other sources of income besides the allowances paid or to be
paid by Government for adequate means of livelihood for himself and his family.
But, the above said two rules are completely
deviated and violated by the Divl/Sub Divl. Heads by conducting melas,
door-to-door compaigns and with day-long road shows upto 2100 or 2200 hrs every day
and by compelling the GDS staff
to participate in such melas, road-shows
etc. Beyond the 5 hrs
and depriving them from chance
of getting other sources of income for adequate means
of livelihood for themselves
and their families.
2. Violation of
instructions of Directorate lr. No. 08-09/2017/SR dt.
The instructions
contained in the Directorate
cited above clearly stipulate not to use coersive
methods in achieving targets
and also directed to educate
& motive the GDS staff for Development of Business.
But, unfortunately, Our Union is very much compelled to state
that these instructions/orders
are completely neglected
and violated by all the Divl/Sub Divl. Heads for achieving
their targets by forcing & pressurising and
worst of all, by
thereatening with dire consequences in case of
non-achievement of targets and the GDS staff forced to pay from their own pockets and ultimately ,
the poor GDS
staff are becoming sufferers
3. Violation
of instructins contained in
Directorate lr. No. F.No116-26/2015-SB dt.19.08.2015:
According to the instructions
contained in the Directorate letter
cited above, wrong splitting of amount and opening of multiple accounts
shall be stopped as it serves no purpose and rather
it may invite complaints in addition to increasing
administrative cost.
But, the above instructions are also totally violated by many Divl/Sub
Divl. Heads at field level with giving no value to the said Directorate orders.
Where multiple accounts opened in the name of single person in a single some
examples of Narasraopet Division and Tenali division are submitted here for
immediate reference and for necessary action. Even TD accounts are also
splitting in to multiple accounts.
4. Insufficient forms and Stationery: It has come
to know that Divisions are not equiped with the sufficient number of Forms and
Stationery also like account opening forms and the stock of Pass Books is nil
at all Divisions. The after sale service
in respect of PLI/RPLI is also not up to the mark at all levels due to this the
PAs/MEs who are engaged for procurement of PLI/RPLI business are facing trouble
in getting business.
5. Single Handed SOs problems: The Single
Handed SPMs are living in hell with the existing number of account standing at
BOs and technical issues related to networking and sever failures, in addition
the GDS BPMs are compelled by the SDI(P)s to open new accounts. All the Divisional Heads and Sub Divisional
heads are well aware that the work could not be managed with human
efforts. But they are not finding any
alternative to manage the work simply saying that there is no provision to
provide outsourcing also in CSI hence the Single Handed SPM has to die for the
sake of completion of work and targets.
Hence my union is very much constrained to bring the unbearable
harrassment meted out by the Divl/Sub Divl. Heads in the name of B.D
targets and request
to cause stoppage of
violation of Directorate
instructions with a fond
hope of
positive response from
the AP Circle Administration
and failing which
we will be
left with no
other alternative except to
launch a constructive
trade union action which
include “ work to rule” and non-co-operation in a chieving BD Targets
to safeguard the interests
and welfare of
the staff.
We further request the Hon’ble Secretary to
cause suitable action to appraise the Divisional Heads and Sub Divisional Heads
not to indulge in unproductive and unuseful practices.
Thanking you, Sir,
Yours sincerely
General Secretary
(Central Head Quarters)
No. 17-2-17, P&T Quarters, Atul Grove Road, New
No. 1-1/2018 Dated: 12-02-2018
Sri A.N.Nanda,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi-1
Sub: Unbearable harassment of staff in the name of
achieving BD/New Accounts/ PLI/RPLI Premia collections in blatant violation
of Directorate instructions/Orders-
It is to bring the procedures followed
by in achieving the targets and immense pressure placed on the operative staff
to achieve the targets.
It is obvious that what ever the
flagship programs or targets constructed at Directorate Level have been
uplifted by the operative staff at ground level. But inspite of the efforts the operative
staff of India Post have been harrassed in different modes for achievement of
The pressure of targets have been
born by the staff since years though it has been requested many times and by
many means to find a constructive measures for achievement of targets. It was also appraised in numerics that the staffs
are facing the pressure of targets beyond the reality.
Yes, we believe that all the wings
of DOP should work co-operatively for development of the organization, by
lining some targets. Indeed the staff
are working up to that level, but the ways and means followed for achievement
of targets are causing embrassement and stress to the staff leading to
frustration, as they have been assigned with the work of operations and
generation of business simultaneously, without observing the work load on the
staff and without providing the required resources.
The targets designed at higher level
are populated to Circles. The Circles
are distributing the targets to the Regions.
Regions are distributing the targets to the Divisions and the divisions
are distributing the targets among the sub divisions and offices. From then the irrational practices have been
taking places. No where from Circle to Office
level are following scientific marketing measures to garner the business. Already SDI(P)s are attached with 2 Mail
Overseers on an average, in AP Circle in addition Group D Assistance is also
given to the SDI(P)s. On average every
division is having 4 Sub Divisions, i.e., 4 SDI(P), 8 Mail Overseers and 4
Group D staff are moving in field through out the year. In addition, 2 PAs per division are spared as
Marketing executives. The efforts of the
SDI(P)s, Mail Overseers may be utilized to optimum extent for generation of
good business through out the year. The
same was mentioned by the IPOs while representing to the Pay commisions that
they are responsible for procurement and generation of new business and was
also acknowledged and recommended by the Department for augmentation of
allowances. Otherwise enthusiastic GDS
officials may be called in vacant PA posts utilizing their services for
business promotion. There will not be no rush during the Financial year
closings, if this measures are followed.
But instaed, during the months of January, February and March officials
from operative offices are identified as saleforce, badly affecting the
aftersale services in respect of Insurance and Savings Bank work.
In any system of achievement, the
operative staff will perform the work related to operations and middlement
level management will perform the work related to garner the business and high
level management will design the goals and objectives. But in India Post it is happening in
different way that the operative staff only have to perform the work related to
operatons and the work related to gathering the business and finally results
are recorded as the efforts of the middle management. During the process the administrative staff
from SDI (P) to the higher are just placing immense pressure on lower level
staff and collecting the figures forcible as achievement. The ways are illustrated below.
staff are threatened in the name of APARs and disciplinary measures
The GDS BPMs are being threatened and
humiliated to achive the targets. The
GDS BPMs are just given numbers to achieve without observing the potentiality
and existing work load.
Generally, Melas will be conducted to collect
business, but surprisingly now in Melas the business collected by ground level
staff during a period have been compiled and shown as achievement in the Melas
In respect of accounts opening targets,
rendering to split the higher denominations to possible lowest denomination thereby
increasing the number of accounts
The offices not even supplied with the
stationary and required number of passbooks also to the tune of targets
assigned to the offices
Atlast after achievement of target, it just
being projected as the efforts of one wing ignoring the workers at ground
level. They are not so keen either in
giving legitimate benefits and facilities or in encouraging the staff. Example:
In AP Circle, Tenali Division: - The
Superintendent has awarded low level of APARs effecting the future career of
the officials to the major percentage of the staff, compared to the previous
years. It clearly shows the attitude of
some officers that if any thig is achieved it is their effort and if any thing
is not achieved it is the failure of the operative staff.
Particularly the Branch Postmasters and C
class SPMs are living in hell due to the increased work load but the officers
are not even interested to examine the situations and to provide proper
resource by any mean. They are just with
the goal that the target should be achieved under any circumstances, even at
the cost of phycological embrassment of the staff.
The Divisional Administration is placing
pressure on the Branch Offices which are already having the maximum work
load. But as per the GDS Conduct Rules
of Rule 3.a.i. the GDS BPMs cannot be given with TRCA beyond 5 hours. Due to this pressure, the GDS BPMs loosing
his rightful option of aleternate livelyhood as per GDS Conduct Rule 3.a.iii.
in this connection it is to request the kind authority to look into the
happenings at ground level and create an environement to work co_operatively in
increasing the business of the organization.
Otherwise a type of non_coperation may emerge soon from ground level at
once collectively against the ways followed for achievements then the situation
may become unmanagebly.
It is to request to instruct the concerned
to take up the work of garnering the business and to take the work of
operations from the staff by providing required hurman and technical
resources. Then the targets will be
achieved in a healthy manner which will construct strong base for growth of the
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
General Secretary