Dear friends,
I am very happy and proud to inform that on 26.6.2020 we formed new branch for National Union of Administrative Offices at Andhra Pradesh Circle. We all are well tried to form our FNPO branch since when it is combined circle but not. At last we succeeded to establish new AP circle branch with 26 strong members. Myself, Piv CS Sastry and new CS of NUPAO Sri Muralikrishna submitted declaration forms AD(Unions) APCO. Later we met DPS Hqrs and introduced new CS and discussed about problems like Kurichedu Suspension issue, Admin LSG issue, Accounts lane LSG issue, and PM grade notional fixation issue. I once again convey my sincere thanks to our leaders D.Kishanrao, D.Theagarajan, Rakesh Bhatiya GS NUPAO and B.Shivakumar,SG FNPO for their cooperation in onetime absorption and formation of new branch for AP circle.
Sivaji Vasireddy,